PinnedPublished inSweaty ChairCoding Guideline for Unity C#Document style guideline for Unity and C# within our company, so the game developer can follow and create a high quality of code.Oct 19, 2020Oct 19, 2020
PinnedPublished inSweaty ChairMVC Pattern in Unity — Less Code Dependency and Better Code ArchitectureOutlines how MVC pattern benefits Unity projects on less code dependency and better code architecture, with examples on how to implement…Dec 19, 2021Dec 19, 2021
Flippy Spaceship — Exploring the Frontiers of Pixi-React v8 BetaI built a re-skinned version of the classic Flappy Bird game called Flippy Spaceship, with a space theme, using Pixi-React v8 beta. The…Oct 1, 2024Oct 1, 2024
Published inRF Game DevPixi’s Asset Pack 1.0: A Step Forward for Asset ManagementLearn how to set up and use Pixi’s Asset Pack for efficient asset management in game development for texture packing, automated…Sep 16, 2024Sep 16, 2024
Published inRF Game DevAdding a Pixi Object to a Slot in Pixi SpineIt is a common scenario to have dynamic information within an animation, such as UI with dynamic text or a character holding different…Jun 13, 2024Jun 13, 2024
Published inRF Game DevOptimizing Scalable UI Elements with Pixi.js NineSlicePlaneLearn how to optimize and scale UI elements using Pixi.js NineSlicePlane. Adapting scalable progress bars and discover tips for control…Nov 3, 2023Nov 3, 2023
Published inSweaty ChairCreate a Daily Login Reward System in UnityAn overview how to create a daily login reward system in Unity, with MVC design and scalable Editor settings, which is used in different…Jul 23, 2022Jul 23, 2022
Published inSweaty ChairOptimize Large Prefab Loading To Addictive Scene Loading with PrefabSceneConverterI’ve been working on a casual game that every level was designed and saved as a prefab. It works great in Editor but not in mobile…Sep 26, 2021Sep 26, 2021
Published inSweaty ChairDevelop House-Ads API With Laravel For Mobile App/GameA step-by-step walk-through on how to develop a house ads API in Laravel for a mobile app or game and explaining the house ads use cases.Sep 11, 2021Sep 11, 2021
Published inSweaty ChairDevelop Redeem Code API With Laravel For Mobile App/GameHave you ever wanted to add a redeem code feature to your game or app? A redeem code system is always useful for rewarding your users and…Jun 2, 2021Jun 2, 2021